Thursday, August 19, 2010

To blessed to be stressed

These last few weeks of summer have been crazy, full of drama! The funny thing is none of it is with the girls it's all between our B-town boys. I'm just glad that we talk with each other before we let the boys ruin any of our friendships.
I'm pretty sure that we have come to the conclusion that boys are liars and cowards. Yes people have a past, and they make mistakes but sometimes you just can't forgive them for being just plain idiots, especially when they know better! The boys have tried to tear us apart, make up lies, and hang out with others that we don't really "approve" of. I'm pretty lucky to have such great friends and we work through our battles together.
The other night Ash called me when she got off of work, and said we need to talk. Oh great, nothing good comes from those words. Not this time, I'm pretty sure that night changed my life! We talked for almost 3 hours about relationships, friends, and our future. When I got back to Jons house that night I talked to him for another hour or so. Jon and J are the most amazing friends! I can count on them for anything! They always tease me, but they will always have my back too. They keep me grounded and humble. Thanks friends for everything!
My better half, I know you guys are sick of hearing about us, and how crazy relationship is, but he ALWAYS puts me first. I am so grateful for him, who he is becoming, what he makes me want to be, and how through all of it he hasn't changed his attitude towards life.
He is still playing for the Minnesota Vikings and everyday he tells me how grateful he is for his career, family and friends, and most importantly his faith. Thanks Bubba for being there, no matter how far away you are!
Going through everything with the boys, I wish more and more that I had my mom to talk things through with. I know that I could trust her words and she wouldn't tell me what I wanted to hear, she told me what was best for me. I am so grateful that I even got to spend 18 years with her. Do I wish it was longer? Without a doubt but she will be my mommy forever and always!
I love her soooo much and I miss her more and more every day.
It's crazy what each of us go through in this crazy thing called life, but having friends and family there to support, helps so much. I got lucky with some pretty amazing friends. Katie, Ashley, Connie, Freddie, Justin, and Jon have spoiled me with open ears to listen, strong shoulders to lean on, and eyes to see the big picture when I am being blinded! I'm way to blessed to be stressed, and I'm so ready for school to start and fall to come, I'm ready for change! FOOTBALL EVERY weekend? Nothing better in my book!


The Lunds said...

Love the saying! Boys are Boys! You can always talk to me. I am SURROUNDED by boys! Don't know when or if that will change anytime soon. You have a lot going for you. Keep it up!

Freddie said...

Stay strong Suga you're doing the right thing! Remember everything happens for a reason. You have the greatest friends anyone could ask for, never forget that. You really do have a lot going for you, it's all going to work out as long as you're doing what you're supposed to. Be grateful for friends that are honest. Those are rare to find, especially girls. I love you little personal cheerleader of mine! Thanks for sticking by my side through all of this, trust me I know it is emotionally draining. I love you Suga and remember your mom is always with you.

Macee said...

Thanks Robyn! Your poor brother has to hear about it ALL the time! haha

Bubba-all I can say is you are right, as usual. You keep me in line that's for sure! I can't wait to see you! I love you so much and can't imagine not having you in my life. You have spoiled me! AGH! I'm so happy for you right now, you deserve only the best!!!

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