Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Muricah (America) week is here and I am already in love and it's only Tuesday!! The last couple Monday nights we all get together and play ultimate! It's so fun now that I am getting better and a lead scorer! Practice really does make such a difference! Anyways after playing for 2.5 hours it was time to meet up with Z and play softball under the lights! I offered for my friends to come and to much to my surprise most of them showed up!! Its been Daniels dream to play under the light with fireworks (Sandlot style) and to our surprise there were fireworks! I love making dreams come true (not completely planned though!) Z and them know how competitive I am, even if I am horrible so we warmed up for about 45 minutes and Christian, Gonzo, Z and Daniel all coached me. Whether I was up to bat or playing outfield they were all there critiquing me! Love my friends, and not only did I hit the ball every time, I scored a few points for the team too!! I can't wait for day 2, it's going to be good!!

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