Wednesday, July 25, 2012

No work, played hard

Last Thursday I got off of work at 11 due to my doctors being on vacation! I got a lot done and had way to much fun with my family! Thursday night the Hermansen brothers, Jordan, Christina and I went to Batman...LOVED IT!! Friday I played with the fam and then went to Draper Days. Saturday were family pictures, a reunion, and again to Draper Days. Sunday church, family time, and a four hour chat with Daniel. Monday more fun at my dads house with family and my nieces play, and then the 24th was family in the morning, a great nap, and then festivities! It seriously was one of the greatest weekends (5 day weekend!) minus the drama that had me in tears Saturday night. Fireworks NEVER get old!
My alma mater!!! LOVE MY UTES (a little to much probably)
Daniel could have stayed with the ponies for hours if allowed
Daniel, Carly, and I at Draper Days
Slip 'n' slide fun at my dads!
One of the best views of Salt Lake from an office!
LOVE these hooligans! Mia kept saying "FUNNY PIC GUYS!"
Jeremiah and Jordan with their cotton candy
Meemers and I at the play
He wanted a picture but was such a butt to take one!
It's as big as her but she LOVED that he kept licking her tummy!
Seriously I had to pull him away from the horses eventually
She wants one soooo bad!

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