Tuesday, July 17, 2012

BFFS Birthday

The BFFS birthday was perfect! Sunday after church I went over and we prepared for the party!! It was so fun to see so many random friends that we haven't seen in awhile! We had the kinect set up on the projector outside, a fire, LOTS of food, and socializing! Monday morning we got up at the crack of dawn and headed down to the lake! I can't think of a better group to go with! It was perfect....until the storm hit! Worst part was getting hit by gravel from the wind waiting for the boat to get loaded and getting the covers on! Since we had to cut the day early we had time to go home and quickly shower and go to dinner at Bonsai then to a late night movie of Ice Age! Perfect celebrations for the perfect friend! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BFF!
Here are the few pics from the phone, picture overload will be coming as soon as we upload! The boys showing us their guts
Daniels new favorite picture of us, the original will be up shortly
Love the disgusting boating pics!
The little one wakeboarding
Birthday girl with the Hallmark siblings! LOVE Stef and Wern!
Such a good looking boating crew!
Babes! I look like a black blob hahaha
Me, Stef, Kirsti, Katie, and Lindie
Zombie pic! Clayton, Matt, Daniel, Jeremiah, Cassie, Carly, Me and Katie!
Jake, Kenz, Katie, Stacie, Kaycee, and Z
The babes watching Z show off his wakeboarding skills
Dinner at Bonsai, SOOO GOOD!
I'm not kidding when I say we struggle getting a decent picture of us, Daniel says I just need to be easier to please.....
Studs trying to impress the ladies!

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