Sunday, July 15, 2012

Late nights

This weekend has been so much fun and I still have two days left! Friday night was date night to Zupas and then Mulligans! We hit a bucket of balls and then decided to do a little mini golfing while we were there! It is so fun to have Jord and Jeremiah to do things with us! When we got back to the boys house Daniel and I talked to his dad until 3 HOLY LATE, but he has some great stories! Saturday I babysat my cuddle bug, I could spend countless hours with her, my nieces really are the greatest! Saturday night we went to a concert. My friends brother is the lead singer so we loved going to support his reunion show! When we got out of the concert we went and met up with Mike and Megan to do some rock climbing, and then attempted to pull an all nighter. Jord and Jeremiah ended up leaving around 4:30. Daniel and I watched X files but next thing we knew it was 7 so clearly none of us were successful! Still a fabulous weekend nonetheless! We struggle getting a decent picture of us!
Jord and I at the range
Mini golfing fun!
My friends sent me this, it could not be more true! It's worse that Daniel has asked me to be a team mom for his football team this fall...oh boy!
Love this picture!!!
Mikes brother Chris
Daniel couldn't get over howbtruebthis was for Jord and I
Cuddle bug!
Way to ruin the pic Jeremiah
Such a stud!!!

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