Friday, August 10, 2012

Ahh yeah

Last night was a great night! It was our friend Dustins' wedding and so fun to see our friends and so many people from my home ward I grew up in. Worst part of the night, when I pulled a "Sandlot" and had my hand in the air, continued my conversation with Katie and Jon and the bouquet landed right in my hand...GREAT! ha After the wedding I went to Daniels and we went country dancing. He is so willing to learn because he knows how much I love dance. Now this weekend is going to be a good one, even if all I do is sit at home the whole time... Dustins wedding...the high school crew!
AHHH the big debut is tonight AND the niners first game! SOOOO HAPPY!
Jer's home!
I get to babysit this munchkin!
Seriously I know I am obsessed with my nieces but I LOVE THEM! Daniel seems to think that this weekend is going to consist of us watching "Hannah Montana" "Never say Never" and him winning over my nieces. Bhahaha if he only knew what was going to really happen!

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