Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brief recap

This weekend was unlike any other weekend this summer..but it was still a good one. Spent most of it with the boy besties which hasn't happened in quite some time! Phone calls from my goober while she is at Disneyland made my day though! Seriously I could have talked to her all morning if I didn't have patients waiting! Can't wait for her to get home Saturday!
Spent last night with this hooligan. We got sushi with my friends and we went back to his house, then his dad called panicked. "Where are you?" "Is Macee with you?" (I laugh that he thinks we spend every moment together) Daniel replied with "Yes we're home." he said okay I need to talk to you two. Daniel and I were both curious (his brother had just got out of the hospital for kidney surgery so that's what we were thinking it was about) There was a home invasion, cops on EVERY STREET, and they were trying to catch six guys, who were masked and one we know at least had a crowbar. He gives me advice what to do if I was the victim, hands me a thing of mace, and is determined to pay for a self defense class for me. Lance is such a great dad and protective of all his sons friends. Daniel then asks if I want to go for a walk..ugh did you not just hear your dad? SIX CREEPS out there? He advises me that with cops everywhere we are more safe than any where else. It made me so nervous though, the victim was at Jordans house so we got ALL the inside which honestly creeped me out. Makes me nervous that my sister and sweet nieces are home all day without my brother-in-law. LOCK YOUR DOORS PEOPLE!
And when I wasn't with Jon and J over the weekend I was with these two long lost boys! LOVE Mark and Kev and can't wait for Powell next week with them!!! Such studs and sooo many memories!

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