Monday, September 24, 2012

Birthday Bois

Three studs, three incredible friends, so here are three HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes! First Happy Birthday to Z! One of my closest friends, and the boy that ALWAYS brings a smile to my face! Thanks Z for the numerous chats, late night tv nights, and always being so willing to try the weekly treats!
Second, Spencer, A.K.A. Big Red! I don't really remember life without him. He was known as the Ginger that played basketball at West Jordan and he remembered me as the "brown cheerleader" at Jordan. Reconnected at the U and next thing you know, we were spending every football game side by side, looooong nights in the library, dance partners EVERY weekend, and of course our movie nights!
And lastly, Aaron! He claims the first time I met him I acted either like I already knew him, or I was to good for him (I'm going with the first one). Glad we are friends now and I can't wait for the many advenures ahead of more parties, ice cream runs, and sushi nights...

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