Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Way they were...

How is it that one day one person can come in your life and then it's hard to remember you ever had a life without them? And then you have the opposite...someone that's a big part of your life and then one day you stop talking completely.... I just have to say that I LOVE my BFF! We've seen so many boys and friends come and go but we've always stuck together, and created memories to last a lifetime!
The infamous words of LC "You always miss a best friend" and it's sooooo true. When you are dying to tell one person something because if you tell anybody else they wont find it near as entertaining...that's who this boy was. We would fight, shop, cook, sleepover, watch hours of tv, study, and everything in between together. Miss the way things were!
Oh our pointless, daily convos! Re-reading them and most of them started as a "Where are you?" or "Come over already" Yep spent basically every non-working moment together.
And then last night I realize how much I LOVE my "other family" Yes I will miss Trenton when he leaves but...they always put a smile on my face! I promised Jon I wouldn't post his picture instead I may have to print it and put it in my house hahaha!

1 comment:

Freddie said...

This post hit me harder than you know. I miss my best friend but people grow together, grow apart, or grow in their own directions. Keep that head up and continue to live the LC way.

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